
Kubelet runs on a KubernetesKubernetes
Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform. This note serves as a Map of Content for this topic. Start your exploration on one of these notes:

[[K8S Node]]
[[K8S Object]]
[[What happen...
node and is responsible for managing the node it's runnning on. It starts and stops nodes as requested by the K8S ApiserverK8S Apiserver
Kube Apiserver is the primary component of a [[Kubernetes]] cluster. It runs on a [[K8S Master Node]], and is the only component which is talking directly to the [[etcd cluster]]. It exposes a REST...
. It also updates the kube apiserver on the worker node status in regular intervals.

Kubelet registers the node with the kubernetes cluster. When it recieves the request to run a pod/container from K8S SchedulerK8S Scheduler
[[Kubernetes]] scheduler is a [[K8S Master Node]] component in charge of [[K8S Scheduling]].

Status: #🌱

, it sends the request to container runtime to pull the required image and run an instance. Kubelet then monitors the state of the pod and containers within it and reports their state to the K8S ApiserverK8S Apiserver
Kube Apiserver is the primary component of a [[Kubernetes]] cluster. It runs on a [[K8S Master Node]], and is the only component which is talking directly to the [[etcd cluster]]. It exposes a REST...

Regardless of the way cluster is set up, Kubelet is always manually installed and should be running as a service.

You can easily find its configuration by inspectig the running process:

ps -aux | grep kubelet

Status: #💡
