Make it obvious - First law of behavior change

The first of the The Four Laws of Behavior ChangeThe Four Laws of Behavior Change
Four laws of behavior change are principles for designing better HabitHabit
A habit is a behavior that is performed regularly, sometimes automatically, often unconciously.

Our brain evolved to "implement" habits to reduce the cognitive load of problems that arise over and...
s described by [[Atomic Habits]]

Each law of behavior change is tied to one stage of Habit Feedback LoopHabit Feedback Loop
[[Habit]] feedback loop is a model of the mental process that allows habits to be formed and maintained.

The habit feedback loop consists of four stages:


, telling us h...
is to make cues to your desired habits more obvious.

Every HabitHabit
A habit is a behavior that is performed regularly, sometimes automatically, often unconciously.

Our brain evolved to "implement" habits to reduce the cognitive load of problems that arise over and...
starts with a cue (see Habit Feedback LoopHabit Feedback Loop
[[Habit]] feedback loop is a model of the mental process that allows habits to be formed and maintained.

The habit feedback loop consists of four stages:


), so in order to ensure we have control over our habits, it's essential that we raise awareness about our cues and gain some control over them.

The process of behavior change needs to start with awareness of our current habits. While it may appear that the urge to act comes out of nowhere, every habit always starts with a cue. A good first step on the journey is to try writing down your current positive and negative habits, and analyzing them to identify their cues.

We can utilize the first law by implementing these solutions:

  • Designing Environments for HabitsDesigning Environments for Habits
    Design of our environment is a key component in influencing things we do. Let's see how we can utilize this to form good [[Habit]]s and break bad ones, using one positive and one negative habit as ...
  • Implementation IntentionsImplementation Intentions
    Implementation Intention is a strategy that can be used in forming [[Habit]]s, and talks about having a concrete plan on how you will implement a certain habit into your life.

    Our habits always st...
  • Habit StackingHabit Stacking
    Habit Stacking is a strategy which is an expansion of the idea covered in [[Implementation Intentions]], that relies on the fact that habits can be cues to other habits.

    Once we perform a habit, w...

The inverse first law talks about breaking bad habits and is titled "Make it Invisible". We can apply most of the ideas from normal first law, just this time with the goal of removing cues that lead to bad habits and thus creating friction between us and the bad habit.

Status: #💡
