K8S Controller Manager

Kube Controller Manager is a K8S Master NodeK8S Master Node
Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform. This note serves as a Map of Content for this topic. Start your exploration on one of these notes:

[[K8S Node]]
[[K8S Object]]
[[What happen...
Master nodes (also known as k8s controlplane) are [[K8S Node]]s responsible for managing the cluster. No user processes normally run on master node, this is the job of the [[K8S Work...
component that manages various controllers in KubernetesKubernetes
Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform. This note serves as a Map of Content for this topic. Start your exploration on one of these notes:

[[K8S Node]]
[[K8S Object]]
[[What happen...
. Controllers are processes which continiously monitor the status of various parts of the cluster, and remediate the situation if that part of the cluster is not in its desired state.

Some of controllers which are part of controller manager are:

  • K8S Node ControllerK8S Node Controller
    Node Controller is responsible for monitoring the status of the [[K8S Node]]s and keeping them in the desired state. It does this through the [[K8S Apiserver]].

    This is the workflow by which Node ...
  • K8S Replication ControllerK8S Replication Controller
    Replication Controller is part of [[K8S Controller Manager]] in [[Kubernetes]]. It is responsible for monitoring the status of [[K8S Replicaset]]s, and ensures that the desired number of pods are a...
  • Deployment-Controller
  • Namespace-Controller
  • Endpoint-Controller
  • Job-Controller
  • CronJob
  • PV-Protection-Controller
  • PV-Binder-Controller
  • Replicaset
  • Replication-Controller

All of the controllers are packaged together into a process called kube-controller-manager. When you install Kubernetes Controller Manager, all of these controllers get installed as well.

Status: #💡
