Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits is a system for achieving goals by changing our everyday HabitHabit
A habit is a behavior that is performed regularly, sometimes automatically, often unconciously.

Our brain evolved to "implement" habits to reduce the cognitive load of problems that arise over and...
s in small ways, leading to Continuous ImprovementContinuous Improvement
Continuous Improvement is a mindset of applying small, consistent changes in order to achieve big results. For how similar ideas apply to business world, also see [[01 Inbox/Kaizen]].

It can be a ...

It's based on a Book - Atomic Habits which describes the practical implementation of the system, and talks about what habits are, how they are formed and broken, and how we can utilize this knowledge to help us achieve our goals.

The base idea of the system is that if you find a way to make your behavior 1% better, this 1% will compound over time to provide you with unexpectedly big results. In other words, we shouldn't pay so much attention to the results that we are getting right now. Instead, we should focus on our current trajectory, making sure that it leads us to our goals in the long run.

The book revolves around The Four Laws of Behavior ChangeThe Four Laws of Behavior Change
Four laws of behavior change are principles for designing better [[Habit]]s described by [[Atomic Habits]]

Each law of behavior change is tied to one stage of Habit Feedback LoopHabit Feedback Loop
[[Habit]] feedback loop is a model of the mental process that allows habits to be formed and maintained.

The habit feedback loop consists of four stages:


, telling us h...
, which describe how we can tweak each of the four Habit Feedback LoopHabit Feedback Loop
[[Habit]] feedback loop is a model of the mental process that allows habits to be formed and maintained.

The habit feedback loop consists of four stages:


stages, to ensure that our good habits happen more, and that our bad habits happen less.

Status: #🌱
