The Four Golden Signals of Monitoring

The four golden signals of MonitoringMonitoring
Monitoring is an integral part of running services in production. Without it, we are blind to what's going on, and thus unable to act according to our best interest.

Providing visibility is in the...

  • Measuring Request LatencyMeasuring Request Latency
    Latency is the time taken to serve a request, and is one of [[The Four Golden Signals of Monitoring]].

    The most common metric looked at here is usually the [[Mean]] latency, but this can easily be...
  • Measuring TrafficMeasuring Traffic
    Traffic shows us how much demand is placed on the system, and is one of the [[The Four Golden Signals of Monitoring]].

    How you track traffic, largely depends on what type of service you are runnin...
  • Measuring Error RateMeasuring Error Rate
    Errors show us a rate of failed requests, and are one of [[The Four Golden Signals of Monitoring]].

    Error rates can look at requests that failed:

    directly (5XX errors) – fetched at load balance...
  • Measuring Service SaturationMeasuring Service Saturation
    Saturation is a representation of how full your service is, and is one of [[The Four Golden Signals of Monitoring]].

    When thinking about saturation, it's useful to put the emphasis on the most con...

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