Single Responsibility Principle

Single Responsibility Principle (OCP) is the first of SOLID PrinciplesSOLID Principles
SOLID principles are five design principles created to improve object-oriented [[Software Design]]. Even though its primary focus is OOP, a lot can be learned from these principles in terms of non-...
which states:

"A class should have one, and only one, reason to change"

In other words, if some code has to change, it should be for its own reasons, not as collateral damage of some other code change. To achieve this, we need to build modules/classes/functions/structs which have a single responsibility.

Sounds familiar? You might be thinking Unix PhilosophyUnix Philosophy
Unix Philosophy is a set of concepts that pushes the creation of software that is modular and reusable.

It is summarized by a couple of key ideas:

Write programs that do one thing and do it wel...

Instead of having a function that sends an email and writes it to a DatabaseDatabase
Databases are computer systems designed for storing data.

This note serves as a link to connect database-related notes.

[[Optimistic Locking]]/[[Pessimistic Locking]]

Status: #🌱...
("and" here implying multiple responsibilities), we should preferably have two separate code structures, one for persisting to database, one for actually sending the email. Then, we can have a third component which utilizes the first two to send an email and write it into the database.

The example above might sound like we just moved the problem one abstraction up - we still have a module that's responsible for both sending a message and writing to database, right? Not quite - we have one module responsible only for writing, one responsible only for sending, and one responsible only for delegating work to underlying structures.

Naming things

The name of the thing can have an impact on the responsibility of the code. Let's see a few examples with go package names:

  • Let's say you name your package server. What is its responsibility? It's pretty clear, to serve something, right? But which protocol does it serve? See how go's package net/http did the right thing there?
  • Packages like util and common are breeding grounds for multi-responsibility code

By naming our things properly, we ensure that we are sticking to the intended purpose of our code.

Status: #💡
